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Faculty Research
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Author | SIWI DYAH RATNASARI (Tim: Ketua) |
ID | 202.710.260 |
Published Date | 01-01-1900 |
-Integrated learning soft skills are part of efforts to form a personality./ The process of learning soft skills are ingrated in the learning hard skills is a good reason to create graduated with character. The purpose of this research is: to create a model of integrated soft skills in the learning process based values eastern. This type of research used in this research is descriptive quantitative researc. The method usee is to use the approach to curriculum integration in a condition skirting by combining two models are connected and nested. The learning process refers to learning activities that better describe the role of faculty, students and media learning and classroom atmosphere created by the lecture. Soft skills learning is done in a continous process. Outcomes resulting from this research is model integrated soft skills based eastern values. Soft skills are based on the values of oriental from the eastern Javanesse wise word with regard to the value intrapersonal and interpersonal skills: 1) “Pangeran ora sare” (God does not sleep) 2) “Ajining diri ana ing lati ajining rogo ana ing busana” (personality of a person can be seen in the word and the performance) 3) “Mandep mantep” (confidence) 4) “Crah agawe bubrah rukun agawe santosa” (job if done together the result is much better than do individual/team work ability) 5) “Ing ngarso sung tuladha, ing madya mangun kharsa, tut wuri handayani' (leadership is a leader if in the future must be a good example, in the middle is able to provide encouragement and on the back capable of giving a boost) 6) “Pasrah marang Gusti Pangeran” (surrender to God, followed by the business) 7) “Gawe becik marang lian” (do well to other) Keywords: Integrated soft skills, values of eastern, character graduates.